How to Customize Your First-Aid Kits
Food storage and bug-out bags always steal the show while packing the travel bags, but one of the most important parts of doing preparation is having the right first aid supplies . You should always carry some sort of medical kit with you at all times. We all should have first aid kits in our homes, cars, at work, while travelling, etc. Let us see different types of first aid kits, their importance, and what they should contain in detail. Basic First Aid Supplies Here is a list of all the basic first aid supplies that you should have in every kit: Adhesive bandages (assorted sizes) Absorbent compress dressing Adhesive cloth tape Silvasorb Gel Antiseptic wipe packets Bottle of aspirin/Advil Blanket (space blanket) Breathing barrier Instant cold compress Box of nonlatex (Nitrile) gloves Hydrocortisone ointment packets Scissors & Tweezers Roller bandage Sterile gauze pads Oral thermometer First aid instruction booklet Tria...