Touch Free Technology for Improving Life

Aging is a difficult process, and no one comes prepared to be aged or to take care of the elderly. Everyone learns in the process. It is important to take care of the elderly. It is because even a small accident can be life-threatening for them at that age. O, you need to take extra precautions to look after them. As a caretaker, it is your duty you monitor their food and their physical well-being. To monitor their health daily, you need some tools, including different thermometers, machines, blood pressure monitors, and so on. Keep reading further to know with what tools you can monitor their well-being and help them monitor their medical conditions.

Blood Pressure Monitor:

For the elderly, it is difficult to monitor their blood pressure each and every hour. But it helps if we have a blood pressure monitor at home. So, if you have an Omron blood pressure monitor at home, you can check it for them at least twice daily. Or when you start noticing the symptoms of low or elevated blood pressure, you need to take certain quick actions so that they do not suffer more. You need to know that the average range for blood pressure is between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg. If your elderly person has high blood pressure, it is in the range of 140/190mmHg, and if your elderly have low blood pressure, it should be in the range of90/60mmHg or lower. 

Tympanic Thermometers:

Tympanic thermometers are ear thermometers that use infrared rays to measure the temperature inside the ear canal. The only thing you need to be careful of while using it is to position it carefully. This is because these thermometers are quick at reading and are comfortable for both children and adults. You need to be careful that you do not use it on infants under 6 months of age because it is harmful to them. Another disadvantage of using it is that the ear wax or a curved ear canal can interfere with the readings. So, you need to be very careful while taking the readings. 


You need a glucometer to measure the blood glucose levels, that is, the sugar level in your blood. A glucometer is a display screen that is a portable device that helps monitor and keeps track of all the fluctuations and variations in glucose levels. There are many advantages of using it, including that it can generate rapid results and check the blood sugar levels of your elderly at home. It also helps track the treatment process of diabetes and makes you aware of how glucose levels vary with diet and exercise. 

Pulse Oximeter:

A pulse oximeter has become an important thing to have after the pandemic. This device helps you check the blood oxygen levels of your elderly. Checking blood oxygen levels is important because less blood oxygen is a cause of many diseases, including lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, anaemia, Pneumonia, some kind of heart disease, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Every oximeter these days has a SpO2 meter to check its levels through the fingertips. It should be about 95-100%. If these levels drop, then there might be some serious issues with the user. And that needs to be addressed immediately, without any delay. 


Products like thermometers, oximeters, glucometers, and blood pressure monitors are some common devices you need to have if you have an elderly to look after. Continuously monitoring these levels is important because the changes cannot be seen immediately as physical symptoms. It is only visible in the form of visible physical symptoms when it has gone to extremes. And given their age, it is difficult to cope with any kind of disease at that age, even if it is in an early stage. So, as a caretaker, it is your responsibility to take good care of your elderly. 

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