What Are the Causes of HIV? How to Prevent It?

 your body will experience multiple diseases, and feel weakness. The situation could be worse if the disease is not detected at an early stage. Earlier, people had limited knowledge about HIV and some even thought that the disease can be transmitted through human touch. But this is not the case. 

Now, medical science has improved a lot and so is people's thinking. Everyone is aware of some of the causes of this HIV. Now with the help of medical science, you can easily learn how to prevent this disease. We are going to help you to clearly understand about HIV, its causes and prevention methods.

What is HIV?

HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a very dangerous virus which is responsible for causing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The disease will totally damage your immune system, white blood cells etc. and make you weak. Your body will start getting affected by other diseases easily and the weak immunity system won't make you cure yourself easily. 

What are the Causes of HIV?

HIV virus can attack your immune system directly and there are plenty of causes for it. 

  • Unprotected Sex

The first and major reason for getting affected by HIV is due to unprotected sexual activities. In men, if a person is affected by HIV, their semen contains the virus. Similarly, if a woman is affected by the virus, traces of the virus will be found in their vaginal secretion. 

So, when any affected person performs any unprotected intercourse or pre-cum, infected semen or vaginal secretion will affect another person and they will be infected also. Studies also show that there is a 2% chance of getting infected with HIV by engaging in unprotected vaginal sex with an infected person. The risk increases to 20% for receptive anal sex with an infected person. 

  • Infected Blood Transmission

HIV can also be caused by infected blood transfusion. If you are affected with HIV and your infected blood cells are transmitted to another body and get in touch with their mucus membrane, then there are high chances of that person getting infected too. The mucus membrane can be found in the vagina, inside part of the anas, vagina, head of pennies, mouth and eyes.  

The infected blood can come into contact through any cut or injury and entering into someone's bloodstream can cause the virus attack. If infected blood touches normal skin that doesn't have any cut or injury, there is absolutely no risk. That's why transmission of infected blood or blood products can cause HIV. For example, if a blood donor has HIV and that blood is used to treat any patient, it can cause HIV to the person using the blood.

  • Use of Infected Syringes, Blades etc. 

Another source of HIV transmission is through the use of infected injections, blades or any other sharp objects that can pierce or cut a body part. Many people used to get tattoos on their bodies. This kind of art uses a particular type of machine that has sharp needles to make the tattoo on the body. If the same needle got infected earlier and the same needle is used on your skin, you can get the virus from this course of action. During medical tests, treatments and examinations also, using an injection can spread HIV to others. 

It is also found that most of the drug-addicted persons also take drug doses using syringes and the same injection is used by multiple persons. As a result, if any of those persons have the HIV virus in their body, they can transmit the disease to others as they are using a single unit of injection.

  • Vaginal Birth and Breastfeeding 

If a mother is infected with the HIV virus then the disease can be transmitted to the baby during vaginal birth as the traces of the virus can be present in the vagina. Also, breastfeeding can cause the same thing to the child. 

How to Prevent HIV?

To prevent HIV you should take care of the following aspects -

  • Always use protection during intercourse.
  • Always cover cuts or open skin with bandages to avoid getting contact with infected blood vessels. 
  • Avoid having used syringes. Even if it is used by any medical facility or staff, you should immediately stop the process and ask them to use a new one. 
  • Always wash or wipe out traces of blood if any clothes, bed sheets etc. have traces of blood in them. 
  • Never ever share self-grooming items like toothbrushes, nail seizures, seizures etc. These items can have blood samples in them. 
  • You should always avoid using needles during body piercing, body tattoos etc.




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