Heart Attack- What To Do In An Emergency?

 A heart attack is a life-threatening emergency. It can happen anytime and to anyone. Even neglecting a minor heart attack or its symptoms can lead to major issues. On the other hand, immediate treatment prevents heart damage, thereby saving lives. 

Heart attacks vary from person to person. For some, it can feel like a sudden crushing pain in the chest, while some can experience discomfort and mild pain. Also, the pain may be different depending on gender, age and health. Furthermore, here is more about what you can do during an emergency. 

Best Way to Treat Heart Attack in an Emergency

Wondering what to do during a sudden heart attack? Here's what you do at the earliest.

  1. Chew/Swallow an Aspirin 

While you wait for an ambulance, the best thing to do during an emergency heart attack is to chew or swallow an aspirin. Consuming it not only helps in reducing heart damage but also keeps your blood from clotting. However, remember you shouldn't intake if not prescribed by your healthcare provider or even if you're allergic. 

  • Use AED

AED or automated external defibrillators are another best choice if available. It increases survival rates by giving an electric shock to the heart through the chest wall. These defibrillators are a great option as they've built-in computer that allows them to function well. They are made to check the victim's heart rhythm. 

  • Perform CPR

CPR or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is another treatment to give if the person is unconscious and not breathing. These are very effective and increase the chances of survival rates, be it given by hand or through mouth-to-mouth. Remember the earlier you give CPR, the better chance of recovery as it keeps oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and heart. 

  • Call Aid

Whether it is you or someone else, when suffering from a heart attack or just getting the symptoms, never hesitate to dial EMS- Emergency Medical Services. As time is crucial for treating a heart attack, dial as soon as possible. So call 911 right away. Besides, for any reason, if you can't reach EMS, then drive the patient to the hospital. 

What are the Tests Included in Diagnosing Heart Attack?

To find a patient's heart condition and the best way to treat it, here are some tests that are done with the help of diagnostic tools:

  • Blood tests 
  • ECG- Electrocardiogram 
  • MRI- Magnetic resonance imaging 
  • CCTA- Coronary computed tomography angiogram

Things to Not Do During a Heart Attack

While there are many things to do to treat heart attacks, there are a few things that one shouldn't do. These include:

  • Never leave the patient alone. 
  • While waiting for the ambulance, don't delay first aid treatment. 
  • Don't let the individual deny his/her symptoms or stop you from calling for emergency assistance. 
  • Never wait for the symptoms to go away on your own. 

Some Pro Tips for Dealing with Heart Attack 

As a heart attack won't come knocking on the door, a wise decision would be to keep yourself prepared beforehand. So here are some pro tips for dealing with a heart attack:

  • Learn about the symptoms and warning signs of heart attack. 
  • Never hesitate to seek help. Instead of hastening, call 911 as soon as possible. The best option is to call within 5 minutes of when the symptoms begin. 
  • Talk to family, friends and colleagues about the warning signs and about immediate actions to be taken. 
  • Do research and learn about heart attack survival plans. This includes knowing about your heart condition, medicines to intake, keeping your doctor's number saved, knowing whom to contact if you need to go to the hospital, etc. Keep all this information in a place where you can easily gain access. 

Keep yourself stocked with all medications and equipment

We at Medguard are the leading dealers of all medical equipment and tools. From a simple needles to diagnostic tools, we offer a wide range of products to meet all your needs. For years we have been serving hospitals, surgeries, pharmacies, home use, and care homes and have never failed in our services. So be it affordability, offers or service you rely on us for your and your loved one's health. 




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