How To Disinfect Your Thermometer After Each Use?

 For checking illnesses such as fever, thermometers are the best tools. But most people often forget to take care of things after using them. Do you know not cleaning a thermometer can make others fall sick? Because they are exposed to germs, a thermometer should always be cleansed both before and after use. 

Cleaning not only keeps infections away but also prevents the germs from spreading. So next time when you use a thermometer, make sure you clean it. Wondering which is the right way to clean it? Well, here is the guide for you.  

Different Thermometers and How to Clean Them?

Here are some different types of thermometers along with ways how to clean them after using them

1. To Clean/Disinfect a Digital Thermometer

  • Firstly wash the tip with cold water. 

  • Now with the use of alcohol-based wipes, rubbing alcohol or antibacterial liquid soap, wipe down the thermometer. 

  • Next, remove the alcohol by rinsing the digital thermometer

  • Now using a soft cloth, wipe it dry. 

  • Follow this process after each use. 

  • Keep in mind not to wash the screen as it may cause water damage. 

2. To Clean/Disinfect a Rectal Thermometer

  • Take rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. 

  • Now dip the cotton ball in rubbing alcohol. 

  • Next, wipe the tip completely and remove any excess alcohol by squeezing.

  • Now wait for a few seconds and let the alcohol evaporate. 

  • Repeat this process before using the thermometer.  

  • Once you're done using it, take an antibacterial liquid soap and clean the tip. 

  • Use water to remove any stool.

  • Now using alcohol wipe it completely. 

  • Next, let it naturally dry by air by placing it on a clean paper towel. 

3. To Clean/Disinfect a Glass Thermometer

  • Take a bowl and the thermometer. 

  • Add water and liquid soap. 

  • Now wash the thermometer. 

  • Once done, rinse it thoroughly using clean water. 

  • Next, let the thermometer dry naturally by air. Place it on a clean paper towel. 

  • Repeat this process before and after every use. 

4. To Clean/Disinfect an Infrared Thermometer

  • Take a soft cloth and dip in a medical alcohol. 

  • Now carefully wipe the lens and then the body of the thermometer. 

  • Now let the lens dry fully. 

  • Remember to never submerge the parts of the thermometer and also bear in mind to not use soap or chemicals. 

  • Repeat this process before and after each use. 

What are the Different Types of Medical Thermometers?

Here are the different types of thermometers you should know about:

  1. Digital Thermometer 

These thermometers determine body temperatures and work by using heat sensors. They are mainly used for readings in the mouth, armpit, and rectum. The best part is that they provide accurate readings within 1 minute or less.  

  1. Forehead Thermometer 

The forehead or temporal thermometer determines the temperature of the superficial temporal artery and works using infrared sensors. These are mainly used at stadiums, airports and stores. They provide readings in seconds and are used both for children and adults as well as infants.

  1. Digital Ear Thermometer 

A digital ear or tympanic thermometer determines the temperature inside the ear canal and works by using infrared ray technology. They provide accurate and fast readings. These are quite popular among children. 

  1. Infrared Thermometer 

Infrared thermometer determine body temperatures without contacting the skin directly and work by using an infrared scanner. These are one of the easiest types of thermometers. 

  1. Pacifier Thermometer 

Pacifier thermometers are for babies who use pacifiers. They record their accurate temperatures. 

  1. Mercury Thermometer 

Mercury thermometers are made from glass and provide accurate readings. These can be used by placing them under the arm, orally and even rectally. 

How to Check a Child's Temperature Using a Thermometer?

These days there are many different types of thermometers, each having their unique features. This means you can take a child's temperature in various ways, depending on the type of thermometer you'll use. 

Be it any you opt for, remember to always follow the manufacturer's direction. Besides, some thermometers are manufactured for certain age groups, so always ask your nearby pharmacist to show you how to use that specific thermometer.

6 Things to Consider Before Purchasing a Thermometer 

Here are a few important things to consider when purchasing a thermometer:

i) Accuracy 

One of the most essential things to consider when purchasing a thermometer is to check its accuracy. Because you would want to get false readings, pick the thermometer that medicinal specialists suggest is precise.

ii) Celsius or Fahrenheit

Depending on your choice, pick a thermometer that will give you a correct reading. 

iii) Suitability 

Another thing to consider before buying a thermometer is suitability. This refers to being specific about the age group. Because some thermometers can be used for people of all ages, some are manufactured only for the infant's body. Also, remember there are different types of thermometers so consider choosing the one which suits the most. 

iv) Display

Purchase thermometers that come with a backlit display as these can be used during the night. Besides, remember to be user-friendly so that it becomes easy to operate. Clear instructions will ensure easy use. 

v) Speed and Memory

Because infants don't have much tolerance, pick a thermometer that provides accurate results in a fraction of a second. Another thing to consider is the memory function. Some come with a memory function that stores previous readings, thereby helping in keeping track of records. 

vi) Battery Life and Cleaning 

Last but not least, consider the battery life of the thermometer especially if you travel often. Also, check if it is easy to clean and disinfect. This as a result helps to maintain hygiene. 

Always Use a Reliable Thermometer 

Whether sick or not, at home or travelling, having a thermometer with you will always help. And to help you get accurate readings, we at Medguard provide you with all healthcare supplies. We keep items in stock of all different brands and our own too. From quality, quantity, affordability, and delivery to after-sales customer support, our team of experts offer exceptional service.


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