Understanding the Use of First-Aid Kits in Different Situations

 Injuries can be painful, and if not taken care of, property may even cause a severe infection, which can be lethal! Everyone must know the basics of first aid and what to do and not do in such situations. That is why here we will go through the use of a first aid kit in different situations. We will also talk about the items that a first-aid kit should have and how to maintain them. So, let's skip the delay and jump in! 

Essential Items that a First-Aid Kit Should Have

Here is a list of items that every first aid kit should have:

  1. Surgical Gloves

It would sound unnecessary to many, but the truth is that handling a wound without gloves can be harmful to both the patient and the person providing the aid. 

  1. Bandages

Bandages are the most common as well as one of the most essential items in a first aid kit. Cuts and injuries happen very often and bandages are a must-have. 

  1. Tape

This is yet another essential item that every first-aid kit should have. Tapes are used during the dressing of wounds to keep the medicine intact on the wound.

  1. Gauge 

A gauge is another item that is used during the dressing of wounds. It is used to keep the wound protected, and it also absorbs any leakage from the wound.

  1. Cotton Balls

Cotton balls have lots of uses and are one of the most important components in the first-aid dressing kit. They can be used for cleaning wounds, applying medicine, absorbing any shock that comes to the wound, and much more!

  1. Tweezers

Tweezers are the most important tool in cases of deep wounds. These are the most beneficial if something is stuck in our body and needs to be taken out.

  1. Antiseptic Cream

Antiseptic cream is used to keep wounds from getting septic and infection-prone. These are applied lightly over the wound just before dressing. 

  1. A bottle of Alcohol 

Alcohol is used to clean the wound properly and remove any germs from the injured area to prevent infection. Cotton balls are soaked in alcohol for the cleaning process.

  1. Trauma Pads

Trauma pads act as a cushion against any further injuries to the wound. These are very important when the patient has a broken or cracked bone.

  1. Painkillers

Painkillers are another must-have in the first-aid kit. The patient should be allowed to pop one in case the pain of the injury is unbearable.

We at Medguard believe that a first-aid dressing kit is one of the most essential items that every house should have. Many people are not able to afford these kits due to their prices, which is why we have different types of kits available in different price ranges. The best thing about us is that we let our customers customize their kit too so that they can choose what they need.

How to Maintain a First-Aid Dressing Kit? 

The first step towards maintaining a first-aid dressing kit is to keep all the tools and equipment updated. Expired items like bandages and antiseptic creams can be harmful and may irritate the wound, making it worse. The second thing is keeping the kit itself clean as unsanitary handling of a first-aid dressing kit can cause infection to the patient as well as the person who is handling the kit. 

Use of First-Aid Kit in Different Situations 

Here are the uses of First-Aid Kit in 3 different situations:

  • Injury 

In case of minor injury, just clean the wound with clean water and put a bandage on it. However, deep wounds are treated differently. Here is a guide for dressing for a deep Injury:

Step 1

First, clean the wound with clean water, then take a cotton ball soaked in alcohol and gently tap over the wound to kill any germs.

Step 2

After the wound is properly cleaned, put some antiseptic ointment over the wound as a layer.

Step 3

Put a cotton pad over the wound and then wrap a mesh gauge around it to keep it intact. 

  • Burn

Burns can happen due to various reasons such as fire, chemicals or electricity. It should be treated based on their type. If it's a light burn just wash the injured part with cold water and put some lotion on it. But, in case of a severe burn, follow these steps:

Step 1

Gently remove the attire from the burnt area but stop immediately if the dress is stuck. 

In case of an electric burn, wrap the person up in a blanket or cloth and do not use water! 

Step 2

Cover the burnt area with a cool moist cloth but do not immerse the part in cold water or pour water over it. 

Step 3

Hold the burnt area up above the patient's chest. And immediately call an ambulance to get the patient to the hospital. 

  • Broken Bones

Cracked or Broken bones must be treated gently with care to avoid any further injury to the area. Here is a guide for dressing a broken body part:

Step 1

The first step is to gently remove the clothing with the least movement of the broken area. 

Step 2

Raise the part above the level of the heart to prevent bleeding. If the pain is severe, give the patient a painkiller. 

Step 3

If it's a broken leg, let the patient lie down somewhere as he is with minimal movement. If it's a broken arm, find a cloth and make a support around his neck to rest his arm. 

At Medguard, we strongly believe in the most popular saying, ‘Health is wealth”. That is why, we have more than 8,000 healthcare products available on our website, and our team at Medguard are more than happy to assist people with whatever they need!


First aid kits are a must-have for every home, as we never know what is coming for us. It is also important to maintain the kits regularly so that they are usable during times of need. Also, make sure you know how to properly use the kit and know what to do when needed.


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