How to Treat Fever When You Are Alone at Home?

 When you check the temperature of the body using an infrared thermometer and find it to increase than usual, then it is known as fever. Basically, it is a sign which indicates that the body is fighting an infection. Most of the time fever could be beneficial and safe. The temperature may constantly change from time to time depending on how busy you are or the time of day it is. Usually, the body temperature of the elderly is lower than those of younger people. And there is no need to treat them. But if it becomes highly discomforting, then do follow a few strategies to help the sick individual. 

Understanding Thermometer Readings Indicating Fever

Before you know the few strategies for treating fever, knowing how to read the digital thermometer readings is a must. And these of the following will indicate a person is experiencing fever 

  • The temperature of the rectal, ear, or temporal arteries may increase up to 100.4 (38 C) or higher 
  • The temperature of the mouth will be around 100 F (37.8 C) or more
  • And the temperature will be 99 F (37.2 C) or more under the armpit

What is the Treatment to Break Fever at Home? 

When you check the temperature of the patient with an infrared thermometer and find the patient to be in a discomforting position, then do not freak out. Rather here are a few tips that can be employed to offer relief. 

  • Try to Remain Hydrated

One of the first things that must be done when having a fever is to remain hydrated. When any individual is dehydrated, they may experience dark-coloured urine, fatigue, crying without tears, decreased urination and more. Hence, to eliminate this problem, make sure to consume plenty of fluids under dietary recommendations. 

  • Take Rest 

Having a fever means your body is already fighting an infection. This means your body's immunity is working more than required already to help you recover soon. But when you force yourself to work, it can slow down the recovery process. 

Therefore, it is recommended to take plenty of rest and boost your immunity levels. When you sleep much, it helps your body to fight the infections sooner and gain recovery.

  • Eat When It Feels Good 

When you feel feverish, make sure that you are not forcing yourself to eat. There are times when you may experience upset stomach or nausea. 

It can be really challenging to eat something in such a state. Hence, instead of forcing yourself to eat, wait for a bit until it feels good. Make sure to opt for nutritious food items like soups.

  • Try to Stay Cool

People think that if they sweat too much, will help the fever to go away sooner. This isn't true by any means. Rather it is suggested by doctors to avoid keeping the body warm. 

Make sure that you do not cover yourself up with layers of blankets. Instead, you take a lukewarm shower and apply a cool compress as it will help to get relief sooner. Additionally, make sure to avoid cold baths as they can cause shivering. 

  • Employ Tepid Sponging 

This is another great way to reduce the ill effects of fever and make you feel better. The method includes placing a damp cloth around the neck, forehead or back. 

When you do this focusing on the high-heat areas like the armpits, will help you. Make sure to do this for at least five minutes and then change to light clothing. Even though it may not be as effective as the medications, it can help.

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