What Are The Different Uses of a Stethoscope?

When visiting a doctor, we all have seen a device that hangs around their neck- a stethoscope. It plays a major role in the healthcare industry and has become a vital sign in the life of doctors. Wondering what exactly it is? 

Well, it is a medical device that helps doctors to hear the heartbeat of a patient. It not only helps in detecting a patient's health status but also prevents diseases from growing. However, it helps beyond that and here are the different uses of a stethoscope you should know. 

Various Uses of a Stethoscope

  • Calculates Blood Pressure 

A major use of a stethoscope is to calculate blood pressure. The BP cuff is attached to the patient's arm and then the heartbeat is listened to through the stethoscope to study systolic and diastolic pressure. For this, there are different sizes of blood pressure cuffs available in the market. 

  • Detects Heart Sounds

A stethoscope is also used to listen to the sound of the heart. However, it takes a lot of time to identify unusual sounds such as a murmur or unusual sounds or activities. The device also ensures that a patient's heart is beating normally or not. 

  • Detects the Lungs’ Sound

With the use of a stethoscope, one can also detect the sound of the lungs. Any unusual activity or sound can be detected through it. Besides, the areas of the lungs are checked to detect any abnormalities. 

  • Detects Abdominal Sounds

Another use of stethoscopes is detecting abdominal sounds. The device is placed around the belly button and circulated into four sections- upper left and upper right, lower left and lower light. You can hear sounds like stomach growls, grumbles or typical normal bowel sounds. 

  • Detects Bruit

Another major use of a stethoscope is detecting bruit which is an audible sound linked with blood flow. It detects blood disruptions and narrowed arteries in the neck, kidneys, temporal arteries, etc. 

  • Detects Impairments 

Another use of stethoscopes is to detect any impairments. However, in this digital stethoscopes are used as they can amplify sounds louder. The best option is to opt for a Littmann classic iii stethoscope

  • Measures the Liver Size 

Another useful use of a stethoscope is that it helps in measuring the size of the liver. It is known as a liver scratch test and is performed by highly trained and experienced healthcare professionals or doctors. 

  • Keeps Track of Body Sounds

In addition to hearing, a stethoscope is also used to keep track of other body sounds. It helps doctors to keep track of the health status of a patient whether it is stable, recovering or getting worse. No doubt, with the help of stethoscopes, patients are tested and treated more accurately and precisely. 

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