What are the Best Practices to Ensure While Disposing Of Syringes?

Have you ever had a lot of insulin syringes at home and wondered how you can get rid of those? Well, this is indeed quite a common problem as most people do not have much idea about the disposal system. 

But there are some quick and easy ways which not only allow you to get rid of the syringes but also reduce any chance of cross-contamination. So what are these and are these applicable for the injection syringes as well? Precisely so!

The Most Simple and Easy Methods to Get Rid of Used Syringes

If you are someone who does not have any idea about how to deal with any variant of used syringes, then you can choose some simple methods. Check out these easiest methods explained below, and follow the one that is the most convenient for you. 

Method 1: Use Appropriate Sharp Containers

One of the best ways to get rid of any kind of used syringe is with the help of appropriate sharp containers. The sharp containers are designed in such a way so that you can very easily handle the needles and syringes in a better way. If you want to get hold of a good quality sharp container, then there are some basic features that you need to ensure. You have to make sure that the lid of the container fits tightly and this will ensure there is no kind of spillage at all. These include:

  • Puncture resistance
  • Leakproof
  • Tight fitting lead

Not only do you use sharp containers, but you have to know how to label those sharp containers as well. This ensures that anyone who is handling the container will have complete insight into how to handle the same. It will remove any chances of cross-contamination as well. Also make sure that when you are using any kind of label, they should be completely waterproof. This will make them resistant to any kind of smudge and will remove any kind of confusion as well. 

Method 2: Don't Recap or Reuse The Syringes

Be it the injection syringes or any other variant, it is important to make sure that you do not recap or reuse the syringes at all. This will increase the probability of any kind of accident which can be caused due to needle prick injuries. You have to dispose of the syringe just at the moment you are done using the same. 

Method 3: Use Ziploc Disposable Pouches

When it comes to disposing of the syringes safely and securely, a great way to do the same is with the help of Ziploc disposable pouches. Put the used syringes inside those pouches and lock them up in an airtight condition. You will need to dispose of these packs right inside those dustbin boxes which are designated for medical waste only. 

These kinds of disposable pouches are easily available in the market and these are quite inexpensive as well. However, make sure that you appropriately lock these pouches. 

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