Top Signs of Cardiac Emergencies

Did you know that today in the world, one of the leading killers that is engulfing the population like a powerful virus is none other than cardiac emergencies? While cardiac emergencies are indeed fatal, it is important to make sure that you have the right approach and can understand the early signs of it as well. 

You can keep a blood pressure monitor handy to understand if your pressure levels are going up as this is the clearest indicator of a cardiac mishap. But there are other signs that you can look out for as well. This will not only help you to get the right assistance but you can save someone's life as well. 

Noticing Cardiac Emergencies - Utilizing the Golden Hour

Did you know that a cardiac emergency does have a great chance of survival if you can function quickly within the first six hours? This period is often referred to as the “golden hour” in terms of medicine. To help you combat the repercussions of the same, here is an insight into the most common symbols. 

i) High Blood Pressure

If you notice that you have all the signs of high blood pressure, then in most of the cases it is indicative that you might be under a cardiac emergency. How do you know if you have high blood pressure? You can use the blood pressure monitor for a more specific response. Symptoms like sweat, palpitations and anxiety are also classic signs associated with high blood pressure. 

Just before the cardiac emergency, the body gets signs of the same and high blood pressure is usually a stress response. In such cases, the best thing that you can do is soothe yourself and focus on your breathing. Rush to a hospital nearby and you will be given the right kind of assistance which is indeed important. 

ii) Urgent Bathroom Rush

If your anxiety and palpitation are coupled with an urgent rush to visit the washroom, then it is also a classic sign of a cardiac emergency. Usually, the body tends to lose control over all bodily activities and hence individuals feel the need to rush to the washroom. 

In most of the cases, it is also seen that there is no control at all and the individual might have metabolic discharge. While this is a classic sign of a cardiac emergency, this is not the only sign. Always look out for the other signs to confirm the onset of a cardiac emergency. 

iii) Shooting Pain

If you feel all of a sudden that there is a shooting pain in your chest and it is quite sharp, there is a chance that you might be in a cardiac emergency. This shooting pain is a classic sign of cardiac emergencies and they are felt not only in your heart. Even, your left arm usually has the same kind of feeling and it tends to turn out after some time. 

Sometimes this pain radiates to the entire upper body which includes your shoulders, arms, back and even your neck area. While some people make the mistake that this pain is due to some muscle pull, don't undermine the signs. If you notice that it lasts more than a few minutes, it is time to call an emergency and get help for the same. 

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