
Showing posts from January, 2024

Why is a Littmann Stethoscope Better Than Any Other?

  In the medical industry, high-quality and trustworthy diagnostic tools are essential. When it comes to diagnostic tools, Littmann Stethoscopes appear as the top choice of many healthcare professionals. Being a trusted brand, they have become the industry leaders because of their innovative technology, excellent acoustic and appealing design.  Before making the purchase, if you compare them with others - the difference can be felt yourself. However, before that, let's take a deep dive into why these stethoscopes are the best choice over others .  What are Littmann Stethoscopes? Littmann Stethoscopes was first invented in the year of 1960's. It is a major transformation that was brought by Dr. David Littmann as he was aware of the importance of a great quality stethoscope.  When he created the instrument, he included many features to it including an open chest piece, tubing with springs, a plastic diaphragm and many more. Ever since the invention, it changed the dyn...

Understanding the Use of First-Aid Kits in Different Situations

  Injuries can be painful, and if not taken care of, property may even cause a severe infection, which can be lethal! Everyone must know the basics of first aid and what to do and not do in such situations. That is why here we will go through the use of a first aid kit in different situations. We will also talk about the items that a first-aid kit should have and how to maintain them. So, let's skip the delay and jump in!  Essential Items that a First-Aid Kit Should Have Here is a list of items that every first aid kit should have: Surgical Gloves It would sound unnecessary to many, but the truth is that handling a wound without gloves can be harmful to both the patient and the person providing the aid.  Bandages Bandages are the most common as well as one of the most essential items in a first aid kit. Cuts and injuries happen very often and bandages are a must-have.  Tape This is yet another essential item that every first-aid kit should have. Tapes are used duri...

Emergency Measures to Deal with Cardiac Arrest

  Cardiac Arrests are slowly becoming one of the most common disorders. The worst thing about it is that it can happen anytime and anywhere when any medical help might not even be available. Here we will talk about cardiac arrest and go through some of the emergency measures you should know when someone is having it. So, let's not wait and jump in! What is Cardiac Arrest?  Cardiac arrest is commonly known by the name heart attack. When a person is having a heart attack, his blood flow from and to the heart is impaired due to various blockages in the passage. This causes a person to temporarily pass out as every signal in the body is cut off due to a shortage of blood. When left untreated for too long, the results can be fatal!  What Causes Cardiac Arrest?  Some of the most common causes of heart attack are as follows: Excess Fat Having excessive fats can cause blockage in the arteries and veins, which results in low blood flow from and to the heart, causing a heart ...

How To Disinfect Your Thermometer After Each Use?

  For checking illnesses such as fever, thermometers are the best tools. But most people often forget to take care of things after using them. Do you know not cleaning a thermometer can make others fall sick? Because they are exposed to germs, a thermometer should always be cleansed both before and after use.  Cleaning not only keeps infections away but also prevents the germs from spreading. So next time when you use a thermometer, make sure you clean it. Wondering which is the right way to clean it? Well, here is the guide for you.   Different Thermometers and How to Clean Them? Here are some different types of thermometers along with ways how to clean them after using them .  1. To Clean/Disinfect a Digital Thermometer Firstly wash the tip with cold water.  Now with the use of alcohol-based wipes, rubbing alcohol or antibacterial liquid soap, wipe down the thermometer.  Next, remove the alcohol by rinsing the digital thermometer .  Now using a...