How to Treat Fever When You Are Alone at Home?
When you check the temperature of the body using an infrared thermometer and find it to increase than usual, then it is known as fever. Basically, it is a sign which indicates that the body is fighting an infection. Most of the time fever could be beneficial and safe. The temperature may constantly change from time to time depending on how busy you are or the time of day it is. Usually, the body temperature of the elderly is lower than those of younger people. And there is no need to treat them. But if it becomes highly discomforting, then do follow a few strategies to help the sick individual. Understanding Thermometer Readings Indicating Fever Before you know the few strategies for treating fever, knowing how to read the digital thermometer readings is a must. And these of the following will indicate a person is experiencing fever The temperature of the rectal, ear, or temporal arteries may increase up to 100.4 (38 C) or higher The temp...